Manzo all'olio

Manzo all’olio, ricetta del Priore di Calino (in Inglese)

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This is a classic dish from Rovato, one of the towns in the Franciacorta production area. The recipe is from the Trattoria il Priore, in Callino di Franciacorta.

To serve 4:

2 1/4 pounds (1 k) Cappello del Prete (a triangular cut of beef from the outer part of the shoulder that’s well suited to boiling); 6 anchovies; an ounce (30 g) salted capers, rinsed, 2 ounces (50 g) garlic, sliced; 6 ounces (150 g) onions, chopped; 2 ounces (50 g) each celery and carrot, chopped; 2 ounces minced parsley; 2/3 cup olive oil; 3/4 cup bread crumbs; 1 1/4 cups freshly grated Grana Padano or Parmigiano Reggiano; 1/3 cup dry white wine; 2 quarts beef broth; salt and pepper to taste; polenta. —– Stick the meat with the anchovies and the garlic, and brown it in the olive oil, with the chopped vegetables. When the meat has browned, sprinkle the wine over it, and, when the wine has evaporated, the broth. Simmer the meat for two hours. Remove the meat when it’s fork tender and blend the sauce. Return it to the fire, and whisk in the bread crumbs, half the parsley, and cheese. Check seasoning. Slice the meat, ladle the sauce over it, garnish with the remaining parsley and a little more olive oil, and serve with polenta and Franciacorta Brut.

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